Unveiling Muriel's Murders: How This True Crime Podcast is Finding Its Audience on Audius and Discovering a New Frontier for True Crime Enthusiasts on Audius


In the vast landscape of podcast platforms, Audius, traditionally known for discovering music, is gradually becoming a haven for true crime enthusiasts. Among the rising stars in this unconventional territory is the gripping podcast, Muriel's Murders, hosted by the dynamic duo Nick and Muriel. This blog post delves into the fascinating journey of how this true crime podcast is carving its niche and steadily connecting with an ever-expanding audience on Audius.

Unraveling the Mystery of Muriel's Murders

Muriel's Murders is not your average true crime podcast. Hosted by Nick and Muriel, this captivating show unravels chilling tales of unsolved mysteries, and heinous crimes. Week after week, the hosts deliver compelling storytelling, seamlessly blending intrigue with empathy, leaving listeners on the edge of their seats and laughing.

A New Home for True Crime Enthusiasts

While Audius is predominantly known for music discovery, the platform's unique features have opened up exciting possibilities for podcasters like Nick and Muriel. As they explored different avenues to reach new audiences, they stumbled upon Audius and saw untapped potential for true crime content.

The decision to venture into Audius was driven by curiosity, but the hosts soon realized the platform's vibrant community was hungry for diverse content. Nick and Muriel spotted an opportunity to tap into a previously untapped market of true crime enthusiasts who were actively seeking fresh, compelling content.

Seamless Connection with Podcast Fans

One of the most significant advantages that Audius offered Muriel's Murders was the seamless connection with podcast fans. The platform's innovative approach to content discovery, coupled with its user-friendly interface, allows listeners to effortlessly find, follow, and engage with their favorite creators.

The hosts began engaging with their audience in unique ways, sharing behind-the-scenes insights, soliciting case suggestions, and even holding interactive Q&A sessions. This personalized interaction proved to be a game-changer, creating a loyal community of avid true crime fans on Audius.

Rising Popularity and Expanding Reach

As Nick and Muriel continued to explore Audius as their podcasting platform, the traction started to build. Muriel's Murders found a dedicated audience that not only appreciated the gripping narratives but also embraced the personalized engagement offered by the hosts.

The podcast's growing popularity on Audius sparked curiosity in other true crime podcasters, leading to the emergence of a vibrant true crime podcasting community on the platform. Together, they created a supportive ecosystem, boosting each other's content and enhancing the listener experience.

Muriel's Murders is a testament to the endless possibilities Audius offers beyond its music-focused origins. Through innovative storytelling, seamless audience engagement, and the power of music, Nick and Muriel have unlocked the potential of Audius as a platform for true crime content. With each episode, they weave a gripping tale that keeps audiences coming back for more.

As the true crime community on Audius continues to grow, one thing is certain: Nick and Muriel's venture into this unconventional podcasting realm has opened doors for a new era of immersive storytelling and connection with devoted fans. Audiences can now explore the dark and mysterious realms of true crime while discovering untold stories and forming lasting connections with the hosts they admire.


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